Short Description
3D geometrical and shape measurements of 3D Area Rois (3D objects).Documentation
Computes measurements from selected 3DRois from the selected sequence. Shape descriptors are a way to measure the shape of a object, however for small objects ( radius < 5 voxels) the shape descriptor values may be not very accurate.
- Geometrical measurements (volume, surface) and centroid-based measurements like mean, min and max distance from centre to surface, also maximum Feret diameter.
- Compactness and sphericity refer to ratios between volume and surface, the values are normalized so they should vary between 0 and 1. The surface is computed as the visible surface (the number of visible faces) either in voxels or using unit calibration. Discrete compacteness is based on the paper by Bribiesca Pattern Recognition 2008.
- Shape measurements based on ellipsoid fitting : Elongatio is the ratio between largest radius and middle radius, flatness is the ration between middle radius and shortest one. Ratio Ell, sometimes called spareness, is the ratio between the volume of the object and the volume of the best fitted ellipsoid.
One review on “3D Analysis”