
Lydia Danglot is Neuroscientist with an Inserm researcher permanent position. She aims to understand the mechanisms of formation of neuronal synapses and morphogenesis. She use multi-scales imaging : from MRI, multicolor color spinning disc video-microscopy, to SPT with QDOTS and super resolution SIM, STED & STORM microscopy. She’s scientific head of NeurImag imaging facility, and member of the technological network RtMfM. She 's member of the board of the national research group IMABIO - that organize the french school of Microscopy Mifobio (400 participants and 100 workshops). At the European level, she is member of the SAB of the ICON nanoscopy Europe. In collaboration with Jean-christophe Olivo Marin's team, she has developped a series of tools available in Icy. As such, protocols and Icy SODA plugins are available here to detect colocalisation and association of molecules (Lagache et al, Nature comm 2018). She is instructor at Inserm and CNRS, for various workshops concerning conventional and Super-resolution Microscopy, as well as Image Analysis (http://lydia.danglot.free.fr/FormationsInserm-en.html#ICY).