Short Description
Similary to classical OrthoViewer from Alexandre Dufour from which this Canvas is an extension, you can browse your data in xy plan, xz and yz plan. The main difference is that you can place and drag 3D Roi points on these views.
Comes with EC-CLEM.
Source code available on GitHub.
Similary to classical OrthoViewer, you can browse your data
in xy plan, xz and yz plan.
The main difference is that you can place and drag 3D Roi points on these views
- RIGHT click to move the position cursor (navigate in the views)
- LEFT click on any view will add an ROI at the mouse position
- DRAG a point by putting your cursor onn it and dragging (slowly)
- Refresh if necessary by moving the mouse above the views
Note that colors are not respected in xz and yz view in this version