Short Description
This protocol allows detecting spots using wavelet spots detector plugin. It combines the wavelets spot detector for scale 2 and 3 and export the spots localization in a single ROI over the picture to visualize them on a single layer. In contrast with the Spot detector scale 2 and 3 protocol-inBatch, this one create a parameters.txt file in the result folder containg the parameters used for the file batch analysis.Documentation
The SpotDetectorScale2and3-inBatch protocol has been collapsed for visualization.
Parameters that must be indicate dby the users are externalized, and appears in bloc #1 to #4.
The Javascript bloc #6 allows creation of a text file in a sub result folder containing all the parameters used:
Selected Folder
Selected channel
Sensitivity for scale 2
Sensitivity for scale 3
This protocol can be edited with another workflow, to generate a sub result folder and a parameters text file.
For more details see "SpotDetectorScale2and3" and "SpotDetectorScale2and3-inBatch" protocols.