Short Description

Crop a sequence and copy the source ROI in the cropped sequence.


  • Version 1 • Released on: 2014-01-22 14:11:21

    initial version

    // this script takes a sequence as input, crop it with a ROI,
    // and then copy the original ROI and put it at (0,0) location.
    // remark: some null-tests are not performed like checking if a sequence exists, if it has ROIs...
    // I did not put them to create a light script, easy to read
    sequence = getSequence();
    // define the ROI for the crop
    roiToUse = null;
    // try to find which ROI to use
    if ( sequence.getSelectedROI() != null )
    	// get selected ROI
    	roiToUse = sequence.getSelectedROI();
    	// take the 1st ROI
    	roiToUse = sequence.getROIs().get( 0 );
    // test is a ROI hab been found.
    if ( roiToUse == null ) throw "CropScript: At least 1 ROI is needed for this operation.";
    // crop the sequence.
    croppedSequence = SequenceUtil.getSubSequence( sequence, roiToUse );
    // display the sequence
    Icy.getMainInterface().addSequence( croppedSequence );
    // get a copy of the ROI
    roiCopy = roiToUse.getCopy();
    if ( roiCopy.canSetPosition() ) // check if the ROI manage the setPosition method
    	//Set the new 5d position
    	roiCopy.setPosition5D( new Point5D.Double( 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ) );
    // add the final ROI to the cropped sequence
    croppedSequence.addROI( roiCopy, false );

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