
Detection script using WAT for each ROI

Publication ID: ICY-E7E6L5

Short Description

Performs detection using WAT computation for each ROI independently. Practically, the script saves all the ROIs of a sequence, and then restores each ROI one after the other, and repeat the detection algorithm for each ROI.


  • Version 1 • Released on: 2013-04-23 16:01:16

    initial version

    // get the current sequence focused by the user
    sequence = getSequence()
    // check if the sequence exists
    if ( sequence == null )
            MessageDialog.showDialog("Please open a sequence first", MessageDialog.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
            throw "no sequence"; // stops the script and say why
    image = sequence.getImage( 0 , 0 ) // get image at t=0 and z=0
    // store the list of ROI
    roiList = sequence.getROIs();
    try // this keyword is use to prevent problems during exectution of the script. (See finally keyword at the end of the script)
    	// loop over all the ROIs
    	for ( i = 0 ; i < roiList.size() ; i++ )
    		currentROI = roiList.get( i );
    		// remove all ROIs in the sequence, and add the currentROI.
    		sequence.addROI( currentROI );
    		// perform detection
    		// creates a detector
    		detector = new UDWTWavelet()
    		// enable scale 2 with a coefficient of 100. (scale 1 is disabled here as the parameter is 0)
    		scaleParameters = [0, 100]
    		// performs the detection
    		detector.detect( sequence, // sequence to perform detection
    					false, // false: detect bright spot over dark background.
    					true,  // true: use WAT computed in the union of ROIs present in sequence.
    		detectionResult = detector.getDetectionResult();
    		// the detection is global to the image,
    		// so we now need to find the detections within the ROI
    		// we store them in filteredDetectionList
    	 	var filteredDetectionList = new Array();
    		detectionSize = detectionResult.size();
    		for ( detectionIndex = 0; detectionIndex < detectionSize; detectionIndex++) { // cycle over all the detections.
    	        spot = detectionResult.get( detectionIndex );
    	        if ( currentROI.contains( spot.getMassCenter().x , spot.getMassCenter().y , spot.getMassCenter().z , 0 , 0 ) ) // the last 2 zero are for t and channel
    				filteredDetectionList.push( spot );
    		// get the number of detection in ROI.
    		detectionSize = filteredDetectionList.length;
    		println("ROI Name: " + currentROI.getName() );
    		println("Number of detection : " + detectionSize);
    	// if anything goes wrong while running the part of script in the try section,
    	// the execution will jump to this 'finally' statement.
    	// And if everything worked fine, this section will be executed anyway to restore the ROIs.	
    	// restore all ROIs.
    	for ( i = 0 ; i < roiList.size() ; i++ )
    		currentROI = roiList.get( i );
    		sequence.addROI( currentROI );
    // end of script.
    // ( if you need specific output or display please check others scripts available on the website )

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