Short Description

Get an image from the current sequence. Add an image, then remove it.


  • Version 1 • Released on: 2013-03-11 11:15:24

    initial version

    // get the focused sequence
    seq = getSequence()
    if (seq == null) throw "Please open a sequence first"
    // get image at index t = 0 and z = 0 respectively
    img = seq.getImage(0, 0) 
    // add the copy to the sequence
    // remove an image at t = 0 and z = 1. Here, the copied image.
    seq.removeImage(0, 1);
     * Notes:
     * On a "classic" sequence (with no holes), all those methods are equal: 
     *        img = getImage()
     *        img = gui.getFocusedImage()
     *        img = seq.getFirstImage()
     *        img = seq.getFirstNonNullImage().
     *        img = seq.getImage(0, 0)

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