Replies Created
- November 14, 2019 at 10:24 am
I did another trial overnight (still running) with 3 images (193 time points, 900mB) and an output in TXT and it seems to have worked for the first time ever…
though if I try and touch the program it will freeze
However, it took a looong time and I have no clue why the 2nd image took so long
Active contour: 1h20 (5521 ROI)
spot detector: 8 min (199247 detected scale 1 90%, 109151 filtered >4px)
ROI inclusion analysis: 1h42 minimage 2:
active contour 8h49min (5617 ROI – 5061 filtered)
spot detector 10 min (189 961 ROI detected scale 1 90%, 98529 filtered >4px)
ROI inclusion analysis: 58 minimage 3 is still running active contour…. November 13, 2019 at 4:44 pmone idea… could the available RAM limit the writing? ie I guess the intermediate results are stored somewhere, if there is not enough RAM dedicated to the storing for big images, could that play a role?
I currenlty have 34.2Gb of RAM for icy and it does not seem to be using cache memory or disk…
just a thought November 13, 2019 at 11:25 amit again did not work… I get emtpy excel xlsx files – below the screenshot of the last image… snif November 8, 2019 at 9:54 amfiles where spot stats could not get exported are 1kb November 7, 2019 at 3:18 pmwell, i am running into the excel xlsx limit quite often (and get empty excel file at the end for spot statistics, not roi inclusion)… hence switching over to .txt (where I think there should be no limit on file size / line numbers)
The text export in ROI statistics is tab delimited and has a header on top. I found a work-around now, but if it were possible to have the CSV format as an option to export ROI stats or ROI inclusion stats ( or any measurements), it would be great (if easily doable).
Thanks for the micron sign! November 6, 2019 at 2:19 pmok – I found a libary we can import to deal with special characters (though I am still in favor of removing them coz it also causes problems when saving in txt).
speaking of .txt …
is it possible to add an export to a legit CSV format and ideally WITHOUT the additional first line (that specifies ==ROI inclusion == or == ROI stats== ?
don’t know how much work it is but I am running into the excel limitations for numbers but the .txt format is a bit xombersome as well.
Debbi September 6, 2019 at 3:59 pmHI Stephane,
does this work for all timepoints?
I have the following script (I guess from you before you made it as a protocol) – it works, but only at the first time point.
Any way to make it work at all timepoints ? cheers
// Click on the button
// to edit in a frame.bounds = input0.getBounds2D()
output0 = []
ind = 0;for(i = 0; i < input1.length; i++)
r = input1[i]rbounds = r.getBounds5D().toRectangle2D();
if ((rbounds.getMinX() == bounds.getMinX()) ||
(rbounds.getMinY() == bounds.getMinY()) ||
(rbounds.getMaxX() == bounds.getMaxX()) ||
(rbounds.getMaxY() == bounds.getMaxY()))
continue;output0[ind++] = r;
} June 13, 2019 at 11:04 amThis happened on multiple cells and with multiple parameters.. and even after fresh Icy installation May 31, 2019 at 10:35 amhe following error is reported only on first occurence :
org.pushingpixels.substance.api.UiThreadingViolationException: State tracking must be done on Event Dispatch Thread
at org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.utils.SubstanceCoreUtilities.testThreadingViolation(
at org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.animation.StateTransitionTracker$ModelStateInfo.clear(
at org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.animation.StateTransitionTracker.onModelStateChanged(
at org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.animation.StateTransitionTracker$4.stateChanged(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireStateChanged(
at javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel.setSelected(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.setSelected(
at plugins.adufour.roi.ROIMeasures$MeasureSelector.loadParameters(
at plugins.adufour.roi.ROIMeasures$MeasureSelector.valueChanged(
at plugins.adufour.roi.ROIMeasures$MeasureSelector.valueChanged(
at plugins.adufour.vars.lang.Var.fireVariableChanged(
at plugins.adufour.vars.lang.Var.setValue(
at plugins.adufour.vars.lang.Var.loadFromXML(
at plugins.adufour.blocks.util.BlocksML.loadWorkFlow_V4(
at plugins.adufour.blocks.util.BlocksML.loadWorkFlow_V4(
at plugins.adufour.blocks.util.BlocksML.loadWorkFlow(
at plugins.adufour.protocols.gui.ProtocolPanel.loadWorkFlow(
at plugins.adufour.protocols.gui.MainFrame$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at May 29, 2019 at 2:33 pmobviously you can clean up afterwards but it’d be good if it can be done before it generates additional areas..
maybe it’s a feature request: restrict size of entering objects and min and/or max intensity