Replies Created

  • Marcio Marim

    Hi Perrine,

    Youtube videos are automatically embed in WordPress when you simply paste the youtube video link on a texte area, but you shouldn’t use the embed code (which wont work).

    Can you do a test with a simple youtube link, I did one by my own and it worked.



    Marcio Marim

    The old forum is still available, there is a note with the link on the top/sidebar : Google Group

    Marcio Marim

    I just added a link to Javadoc on the Support header. It will load the javadoc from the website, keeping the navigation to other sections active.

    The direct link is:

    javadoc nav

    Marcio Marim


    There was an small problem with user permissions, which is fixed now so you should be able to edit your Plugin normally.
    Let us know if you need any help.