ROI statistics

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  • xraffo

    Hi, I have two silly questions about ROI statistics after an Active contour analysis:

    • Area: what is the unit?
    • What is the difference between Contour and Perimeter? The contour is the perimeter expressed in pixels, but in my case doesn’t correlate perfectly with Perimeter (which goes from 1 to 100, not sure if by chance, or it is actually a percentage??)

    Any help on this matter would be highly appreciated!!


    Stephane Dallongeville

    Hi xrafoo,

    Perimeter and Area are the same information than Contour and Interior but the laters are expressed in pixel while the firsts are given in real units computed from the pixel size information (that you can edit if not properly set) from your image.

    It’s possible to observe a small difference between these measures Contour and Interior while really be computed on a binary mask (made from the ROI) while Perimeter and Area will try to use the original ROI geometry if possible.


    – Stephane



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