Short Description
in beta test (still for a few days). Further info on anrcrocoval/ec-clem (
Online tutorials are available on the icy webpage , which are basically all valid. No right click needed any more to valdiate, and you can place your point on source or taregt image it doesnot matter. The main difference it that it will decide for you if it is 2D or 3D, and you can apply a 2D transform on a 3D dataset (See cascaded transform demo for example), and for now it give you more liberty on the choice of transformation on the constraint (further doc to come) . Some 3D Further tutorials are available here specific to this new version:
- on error estimation at 95% ofconfidence
- on creating a cascaded transform
- on applying a transformation such as the one created by cascaded transforms
- to visualize both registered images without any interpolation or resampling of the data
- Usage example of the incorporated autofinder: