Short Description
To be used with ec_clemv2 as a viewer (only in 2D for now). Preserve full resolution.
- #alignment
- #correlation
- open the image considered as the target image in the ec-clem , Change viewer to “correlative view” (instead of 2D viewer, 3D viewer, Orthoslice viewer…)
- use the opened dialog to load the source image
- use the next openned dialog to load the transformation file (FROM SOURCE TO TARGET Transfotrmation.xml, not the schema.xml) .
- You can play on the transparency mixing in the overlay panel of icy.
- Tip: you can always inverse a transformation schema using invert transformation schema in ec-clemv2 in order to compute the inverse transforme if you need one image to be the source instead of target. Data from Koutanadis et al, Cell 2020 (available on Zenodo)