We are happy to announce that a new major release, Icy 2.1, is available!!! This release bring significant improvements for developers, notably a new project management system, as well as some features for end-users.
Since the beginning of its development, Icy has been handled as a simple Eclipse project. Although it had many advantages, this solution also came with some manjor drawbacks. Mainly, we couldn’t switch easily to another IDE and we had to manage dependencies, do testing, application packaging etc. almost manually.
Starting from Icy 2.1, the project is now entirely managed by Maven. This provides much more robust development processes not only for us, but also for our beloved plugin developers. If you are one of those or just interested in getting more details about this you can find more information on this page.
Icy 2.1 also comes with new useful features for image analysis. Most of them are new operations on ROIs, and we hope you will appreciate them ! You can find the complete list of changes regarding end-user features on this page.