How to open in Icy's ImageJ the current image from Icy?

Home Forums General Issues How to open in Icy's ImageJ the current image from Icy?

  • diyoyo

    Let’s say I extracted a plane from my z-stack, using Icy.

    Now I want to process it using the embedded ImageJ in Icy.

    How to tell image J to use this image?

    Stephane Dallongeville

    Hi diyoyo,

    First you need to work in “detached” mode as this is how ImageJ work (floating windows). Then just convert your Icy image to ImageJ image using conversion tool :


    You will obtain an ImageJ image that you can freely process from ImageJ, then you can do the opposite operation to do further analysis in Icy if needed.

    Hope that helps.

    – Stephane



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