Hi All,
Hope you’re all doing well behind your screens and that you’re not suffering from the Corona.
I’m trying to import a file that is a *.surf.am in Icy to then transform it into a mesh (open source) for blender. But I cannot make it to work. *.labels.am are opening fine although they are always flipped but not surface files.
Has anyone encountered this already ?
Thanks for the help
take care of yourselves and stay home
Dear Xavier,
I have no experience with Amira or Blender, but a colleague told me that it is possible to export Amira files to .obj or .stl instead of .am and that Blender can import .stl or .obj.
See here for Amira documentation: http://avsl.cct.lsu.edu/vizclass_illustration.html#save-individual-surface-and-export-to-desirable-format
I hope it solves your issue.
Best regards,