Working with .czi images

Home Forums General Issues Working with .czi images


  • Yasmin Moghadamnia


    I have a stack of images all saved in the .czi format, which I can use bio-formats in Fiji or ImageJ to load, but I cannot import or open it with ICY. My ultimate goal is to create a 3D object from all these 2D images. How do I open them with ICY? Can any of the ICY plugins help reconstruct the 3D image? If yes, how and how can it be exported?

    Marion Louveaux

    Dear Yasmin Moghadamnia,

    We migrated on the forum and this forum is now closed. You can get more info here.

    Could you please re-post your question on the image forum and in the optionnal tags, write “icy”? This way the Icy team, but also the whole bioimage analysis community can help you and benefit from the answer.

    Many thanks in advance and see you soon on the forum!

    Best regards,

    Marion, for the Icy team

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